[rt-devel] Create user with Lookupsenderinexternaldatabase and Sendermustexistinexternaldatabase

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 23 14:10:25 EDT 2003

--- Senoner Samuel <Samuel.Senoner at eurac.edu> wrote:
> I another mail about this, but I don't know how much sense it makes if I
> change the code for my version, and then upgrade my version to the new
> one, and all settings are gone.

Hi Samuel, 

You just place your site-specific objects in "local/lib" and "local/html"
directories. They are first looked up there. 

And of course, when a new RT version arrives, it's better to check if there 
were some important changes in those files you've modified.


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