[rt-devel] [rt-announce] RT 3.0.0rc4

Andy Harrison ajharrison at gwi.net
Mon Mar 24 14:27:54 EST 2003


On 24-Mar-2003, Jesse Vincent wrote message "Re: [rt-devel] [rt-announce] RT
> Can you give us some more context on these errors? There's no way I can
> debug this stuff without debugging information like what it was trying
> to import at the time, what table it failed to import into, what SQL
> query failed, etc....

Ok, well, I did a new dump from the production rt server.  I'm not sure what
version of rt2 it's running:

% head rt2/bin/rt
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Header: /raid/cvsroot/rt/bin/rt,v 1.8 2002/03/01 06:39:03 jesse Exp $
# RT is (c) 1996-2001 Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>

It appears to be running postgres 7.1.2.

It created the dump without incident.  I pulled that dump over to my machine
and imported it.  I had previously been experimenting with pg7.2.4 and wanted
to get rt3rc4 working in pg7.3.2 so I got 7.3.2 back up and running.  I redid my
configure, make install, make dropdb, make initialize-database and started the
dump.  When the import was complete, I started having problems immediately when
trying to connect to the webserver in my browser.  The httpd error log showed:

FATAL 1:  This connection has been terminated by the administrator.
[Mon Mar 24 13:45:45 2003] [error] Connect Failed could not connect to server:
Connection refused
 at /opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm line 123

I then looked at the postgres log and noticed all the atoi errors.  I wasn't
sure if this had been doing this in pg7.2.4 so I fired that back up and tried
with that and noticed the same atoi errors, but I was able to access webrt from
my browser without any problems.  

The only errors shown in the postgres log are the atoi errors when it tries to
import each user.  Note that the user is imported and I can see it when I look
(i'm just being lazy and using phpPgAdmin).

Not sure what more information you need, let me know and I'll provide it.

Andy Harrison
Great Works Internet
System Operations
ajharrison at gwi.net
RSA 1024 pgp key: http://www.nachoz.com/andy.pub

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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