[rt-devel] Possible behaviour change for RT 3.2

Autrijus Tang autrijus at autrijus.org
Thu Nov 27 02:46:11 EST 2003

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 02:38:43PM -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> I'm doing some work on RT's Scrips system. One of the things I'm
> pondering is changing RT such that all scrips for a particular
> transaction get prepared and then all of them get executed.

Prepared, as in executing the "Prepare" bit of action, or just
loaded and evaluated the condition bits?

> Right now, each scrip is prepared and executed in series.
> Is anyone doing anything that would be negatively impacted by this
> change?

I'm fine as long as it will still "nest" properly:

T1 Create
 - S1.1 Prepare
 - S1.2 Prepare
 - S1.1 Commit
   - T2 Create
     - S2.1 Prepare
     - S2.1 Commit    <== S2.1 must happen before S1.2
 - S1.2 Commit

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