[Rt-devel] rt3.fsck.com has moved or dropping mail?

Paulo Matos pjsm at fct.unl.pt
Tue Apr 27 15:49:03 EDT 2004

IS rt3.fsck.com moved somewhere else?

I send mails to rt-bugs to update #5286 and it does not appear there...

I don't get it returned as well...

	Paulo Matos
 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
|Sys & Net Admin                    | Serviço de Informática           |
|Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia | Tel: +351-21-2948596             |
|Universidade Nova de Lisboa        | Fax: +351-21-2948548             |
|P-2829-516 Caparica                | e-Mail: pjsm at fct.unl.pt          |
 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------

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