[Rt-devel] [TESTS][BUG] Wrote some API tests

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Dec 10 12:49:41 EST 2004

> >More than that fail when it's run as part of the test suite, since it
> >includes some assumptions about the starting database. I'm working on
> >patching that first.
> I argue. It does include one assumption about DB: DB should be just 
> after 'make initdb'. Jesse, I think if you want >90% test coverage then 
> test suit would be very big and it would be problem if one test file 
> would be rely on data inserted by other files. IMHO we should reinit DB 
> before each file. Yes, it would be slower, but allow to run this or that 
>  test file only.

I strongly disagree with that. A chunk of the test suite should be able
to run with either a clean database _or_ the rest of the test suite
having been run. Which is now the case for the tests you wrote.

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