[rt-devel] Custom Condition using a CustomField

darren chamberlain dlc at sevenroot.org
Tue Feb 10 09:41:34 EST 2004

* Andy Harrison <ah30 at harrisonfamily.com> [2004/02/10 09:33]:
> This [code] gives me errors like:
> [Tue Feb 10 14:04:58 2004] [error]: Scrip 93 Commit failed: syntax
> error at (eval 2184) line 2, near "->AddWatcher{ "
> (/usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/Action/UserDefined.pm:59)
> Could anyone shed some light on this?

Perl syntax error.  Try:

  $self->TicketObj->AddWatcher( TYPE => 'Cc', Email => 'test at example.com' );

I.e., ( ) instead of { }.


How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist
and shirt size?
    -- Woody Allen
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