[rt-devel] RT::Date GMT vs Local

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Sat Mar 27 05:23:59 EST 2004

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2004, at 2:27 AM, Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>> Now, I want return to 'GMT vs Local' in RT API.
>> Attached show scrip show that API is not coherent enought.
>> Output:
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder->DoSearch Query:  SELECT count(main.id) FROM 
>> Tickets main  WHERE ((main.EffectiveId = main.id)) AND ((main.Status 
>> != 'deleted')) AND ((main.Type = 'ticket')) AND ( ( (main.Created > 
>> '2004-03-25 14:55') ) )
>> Tickets 294
>> ...
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder->DoSearch Query:  SELECT count(main.id) FROM 
>> Transactions main  WHERE ((main.Created > '2004-03-25 17:55:13'))
>> Transactions 1964
> I believe this is related to a known bug in 3.0.9. What perl code did 
> you use to build those queries?
Sorry, attachment missed.
-------------- next part --------------
use lib "/opt/rt3/lib";

use RT;

use RT::Date;

my $d = RT::Date->new( $RT::SystemUser );
$d->AddDays( -1 );
print $d->ISO . "\n";
print $d->AsString . "\n";

use RT::Tickets;

my $ts = RT::Tickets->new( $RT::SystemUser );
$ts->Limit( FIELD => 'Created', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => $d->ISO );
print "Tickets " . $ts->Count ."\n";

use RT::Transactions;

my $txs = RT::Transactions->new( $RT::SystemUser );
$txs->Limit( FIELD => 'Created', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => $d->ISO );
print "Transactions " . $txs->Count ."\n";

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