[rt-devel] [PATCH] RT::Require faster implementation of eval "require ...".

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Sat Mar 27 13:13:50 EST 2004

Attached patch represent new function RT::Require which implement
eval "require $module". This implementation check "$module::VERSION"
before running eval.
I also wrote small perfomance test. Attached.
                      Rate     Simple eval Eval with check
Simple eval      31056/s              --            -70%
Eval with check 105263/s            239%              --

It shows that my code runs ~3 times faster when module allready loaded.

			Best regards. Ruslan.

-------------- next part --------------
use lib "/opt/rt3/lib";

use RT;

my $class = "RT::Ticket";
eval "require $class;";

	no strict qw( refs );
	*{ $class."::VERSION" } = '-1, By RT';

use Benchmark qw(:all);

my $count = 100000;
cmpthese($count, {
		'Simple eval' => \&simple_eval,
		'Eval with check' => \&eval_w_check

sub simple_eval
	eval "$class";

sub eval_w_check
	no strict qw( refs );

	my $vglob = ${ $class . '::' }{'VERSION'};
	unless ( $vglob && *$vglob{'SCALAR'} ) {
		eval "require $class";
		die "Use of $class: $@" if ( $@ );
		unless ( $vglob && *$vglob{'SCALAR'} ) {
			*{ $class."::VERSION" } = '-1, By RT';

-------------- next part --------------
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