[Rt-devel] Perfomance glitch with localization.

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Wed May 12 10:10:26 EDT 2004

Autrjus, sorry, it's wrong report about perfomance because init takes 
long time.

I'm playing around perfomance and get home page from 2sec max to 1,4 
with standard amount of tickets in My* blocks.

Will fill in report tonight.

Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
>     Hello.
> Attached file show issue.
>  > perl -d:DProf bug_report2.pl
>  > dprofpp -G "Lexicon::"
> %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
>  79.9   3.429  8.620  32501   0.0001 0.0003  Lexicon::
>  4.10   0.176  0.176   1900   0.0001 0.0001  RT::Tickets::_match
>  3.03   0.130  0.150  29968   0.0000 0.0000  Encode::decode_utf8
>  1.40   0.060  0.782      5   0.0120 0.1564  main::BEGIN
>  1.40   0.060  0.247     12   0.0050 0.0206  RT::I18N::BEGIN
>  1.40   0.060  0.158     15   0.0040 0.0105  MIME::Entity::BEGIN
>  0.93   0.040  0.069      7   0.0057 0.0098  RT::EmailParser::BEGIN
>  0.93   0.040  0.139     25   0.0016 0.0055  RT::Ticket::BEGIN
>  0.93   0.040  0.039      6   0.0066 0.0066 
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::BEGIN
>  0.70   0.030  0.317      8   0.0037 0.0396  RT::Record::BEGIN
>  0.54   0.023  0.294     20   0.0011 0.0147  RT::Tickets::_parser
>  0.47   0.020  0.020  29968   0.0000 0.0000  utf8::decode
>  0.47   0.020  0.020      5   0.0040 0.0040  RT::SearchBuilder::BEGIN
>  0.47   0.020  0.069      2   0.0100 0.0345 
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::BEGIN
>  0.47   0.020  0.108      6   0.0033 0.0181  RT::ACL::BEGIN
> 80% time in Lexicon::
> `drofpp -t` shows that each call to HasUnresolvedDependencies touches 
> Lexicon::* which do all that decode_utf8 and other calls. If I group(-G) 
> ::BEGIN calls then I have 18% for init code => useful exec time is ~2%.
> This is not rare corner case. I came to it from 'RT at glance' RT spins 
> around 30% in RT::Ticket::HasUnresolvedDependencies on / page(info from 
> Apache::DProf).
> Comments? Suggestions?
>             Best regards. Ruslan.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use lib "/opt/rt3/lib";
> use RT;
> RT::LoadConfig;
> RT::Init;
> use RT::Ticket;
> my $t = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $t->Load( 47279 );
> foreach ( 1..10) {
> 	print "Has deps\n" if( $t->HasUnresolvedDependencies );
> 	print "Has no deps\n" unless( $t->HasUnresolvedDependencies );
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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