[Rt-devel] RT3 testing suites?

Brent B. Powers bbp2006 at pathology.columbia.edu
Fri Oct 29 09:36:17 EDT 2004

--On Friday, October 29, 2004 5:50 PM +1000 Matthew Watson 
<matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au> wrote:


> Now, I'd guess this is something that has probably been done before, so
> rather than re-inventing the wheel, wondering if anyone has suggestions?
> It shouldn't be too difficult to build a spider using libwww to crawl
> around RT3 for testing, has anyone already done this though?

While we're wishing, a benchmarking suite would be lovely. I understand and 
accept all the caveats about the utility of any given benchmark, but I've 
got hunches about database performance that I could test if someone else 
could do all the real work.

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