[Rt-devel] Re: Specifying alternate dirs

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 9 23:33:12 EST 2005

> Unfortunately, not, at least not for customdir. configure will accept 
> --with-customdir=whatever (--customdir= is rejected), but it won't be 
> reflected in Makefile. In fact, none of the special directories can be 
> altered via the configure command line. I am so far away from a config/m4 
> (I was about to say guru... how about just ) user,  that I've just given 
> up. Note that I can change them via the config.layout file.... sort of.

Hm. I sure thought that worked.

> While we're discussing this (?), I just put a note in the Wiki about 
> possibly putting the database version in the database... it would make 
> future upgrades easier, and would be a no-effect patch.

We're in the middle of some work to move _all_ configuration into the DB
(aside from the database connection info)

> Patch:
> *** rt-3.4.0.orig/Makefile.in   Tue Feb  1 09:20:40 2005
> --- rt-3.4.0/Makefile.in        Wed Feb  9 23:21:06 2005
> ***************
> *** 51,61 ****
>  PERL                  =       @PERL@
> - CONFIG_FILE           =       $(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)/RT_Config.pm
> - SITE_CONFIG_FILE              =       $(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> -
> -
> --- 51,56 ----
> ***************
> *** 112,117 ****
> --- 107,121 ----
>  # RT_READABLE_DIR_MODE is the mode of directories that are generally meant
>  # to be accessible
>  RT_READABLE_DIR_MODE  =       0755
> +
> +
> + ## Had to move this down, so that it would reflect changes to the
> + ## RT_LOCAL-* stuff
> +
> + CONFIG_FILE           =       $(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)/RT_Config.pm
> + SITE_CONFIG_FILE      =       $(LOCAL_ETC_PATH)/RT_SiteConfig.pm
> +


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