[Rt-devel] RT Training in Portland, August 2, 2005

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Jul 13 00:59:03 EDT 2005

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                 Only three weeks left to sign up for
                         RT training at OSCON
                           Portland, Oregon
                            August 2, 2005

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   RT (Request Tracker), a flexible ticketing system, is one of those
   products that makes addicts out of normally staid sysadmins and
   developers. It is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal for
   organizing yourself and your company. This tutorial takes you on a
   roller coaster ride through many of RT's nooks and crannies,
   showing you how you can extend and embrace it--whatever your needs
   may be. Everything from "Enterprise Class Trouble Ticketing" (and
   what that means), through helpdesks, bugtracking, all the way down
   to personal grocery lists will be covered, with side trips into the
   land of alternate user interfaces, report generation, localization,
   and internationalization.

   Highlights involve using RT as an application platform, tweaking
   the system for lightning-fast performance, and transparently
   integrating RT into your workflow. The customizations of several
   major sites will be demonstrated, as well as revealing some large
   companies you deal with every day who use RT. This session includes
   updates for the new technologies available in RT 3.4.

                               * * * *
           Don't Miss the 7th Annual Open Source Convention
                    Tim O'Reilly - Nat Torkington

   As we write this letter, interesting things are happening in the
   open source world. The burgeoning Linux vendor industry is facing
   its first challenge from beneath as companies like SpikeSource,
   SourceLabs, and Optaros compete with them for support
   contracts. Who will win, and what will the open source community
   gain or lose as a result?

   Meanwhile interesting technology like Ruby on Rails and AJAX
   (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) has turned the world of web apps
   on its head. The web as we know it was built on HTML and some
   combination of the LAMP stack. What web will emerge from AJAX'd
   Rails, Plone, PHP, and Perl apps? And where's Java in all of this?

   And even at the bottom layers, the world is changing. Linux has
   thrown out the BitKeeper source control system and is looking for
   an open source replacement. Xen is spreading the virtualization
   gospel to the Linux vendors. And Microsoft is open sourcing
   software! Something is definitely afoot ...

   OSCON 2005 will explore these new trends in tutorials and sessions
   from the people behind technology. We're glad to welcome back
   beloved presenters such as Damian Conway, Guido van Rossum, Rasmus
   Lerdorf, and Robert (the r0ml) Lefkowitz, and present leaders like
   David Heinemeier Hansson (Ruby on Rails), Jonathan Schwartz (Sun
   Microsystems), and Kim Polese (SpikeSource) for the first time. As
   well as new open source technology speakers, we're proud to
   introduce our first Open Source Business Review (OSBR). This
   parallel conference looks at how open source affects IT and is a
   great chance for you to meet the executives and thought leaders in
   enterprise open source.


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