[Rt-devel] Bug? Imbalance in linking history

Jim Meyer purp at acm.org
Fri Nov 4 13:36:09 EST 2005

On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 12:37 -0500, Todd Chapman wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 01:36:39AM +0300, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> > +1 about two transactions
> > 
> > But IMO we should run scrips twice, reasons:
> > 1) would be consistent solution, as less exceptions we have as more
> > maintainable and refactorable our code is;
> > 2) scrip in normal stage must have three context objects: ticket,
> > transaction, template; if you run scrips only for one transaction then
> > authors of the scrips have to dig additional context objects themself
> > which leads to new questions on the rt-users.
> > 3) previouse behaviour is bug and if scrips follow buggy behaviour
> > then them should be changed;
> > 4) ...
> > 
> My reply to this seems to be lost so at the risk of repeating myself:
> The thing that concerns me about two scrips is, what if you
> want to send an e-mail on AddLink, but you only want to do
> it once. How do you make the two scrips aware of each other
> so that only one performs the action? If there is a simple
> solution to this problem, then 2 scrips is fine wiht me.
> Otherwise I think it's better to have one scrip run and
> the user and figure out what object was at the other end.

What if the linking/delinking operation is performed first, then scrips
executed on the resultant ticket(s)?

--j, very likely missing something.
Jim Meyer, Geek at Large                                purp at selequa.com

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