[Rt-devel] Formatting and Layout gone since 3.6.0pre0

Ian Clancy ClancyIan at cel.ie
Tue Apr 11 07:00:14 EDT 2006

Hi List,
When i upgrade from version 3.5.7 to 3.6.0 (either version) the RT web 
pages lose all layout and formatting.
I cannot find anything in the changelog or errors on the logs that would 
indicate a problem.
Has something changed with css etc.. in version 3.6.

I use the following commands to configure and make the upgrade
./configure --with-web-user=apache --with-web-group=apache 
--with-fastcgi --with-mysql
make upgrade

My server is running RHEL4_64.

Ian Clancy
IT Co-ordinator
Connaught Electronics Ltd.
Dunmore Rd,
Co. Galway,

P : ++353 93 23151
F : ++353 93 23110
E : mailto:clancyian at cel.ie
W : http://www.cel-europe.com

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