[Rt-devel] PATCH: return LastUpdated via REST

David Schweikert dws at ee.ethz.ch
Mon Apr 24 05:06:52 EDT 2006


The following patch adds the useful LastUpdated field to the fields
returned through the REST interface.

--- share/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default    2006-04-24 11:00:16.936648000 +0200
+++ share/html/REST/1.0/Forms/ticket/default    2006-04-24 11:01:55.696443000 +0200
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 my ($c, $o, $k, $e) = ("", [], {}, 0);
 my %data   = %$changes;
 my $ticket = new RT::Ticket $session{CurrentUser};
-my @dates  = qw(Created Starts Started Due Resolved Told);
+my @dates  = qw(Created Starts Started Due Resolved Told LastUpdated);
 my @people = qw(Requestors Cc AdminCc);
 my @create = qw(Queue Requestor Subject Cc AdminCc Owner Status Priority
                 InitialPriority FinalPriority TimeEstimated TimeWorked

David - who starts to wonder if his patches are actually read by someone :-)
David Schweikert        | phone: +41 44 632 7019
System manager ISG.EE   | walk:  ETH Zentrum, ETL F24.1
ETH Zurich, Switzerland | web:   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/dws

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