[Rt-devel] Adding Custom Field Types (specifically: Date)

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Apr 27 22:50:06 EDT 2006

[Sorry for the delay in my reply. I've been working nights to get Date
support in Jifty better. So dates have been on my mind, if not exactly
these dates]

> I've gotten a Custom Field of Type 'Date' working in my development
> environment. However, it is fairly simple (as the Custom Fields are just
> varchar/text fields) and only stores what you put in the text box (which
> may not be a date). Effectively the only advantage is that it is now
> consistent with the other Date fields in that you can click the adjacent
> link to select a date from the Calendar Pop-up. In the interest of
> getting a patch accepted, what else would BP like for it to do, if
> anything?

I think we might want to add hooks to RT::CustomField to let it 
Canonicalize and Validate fields of a certain type, that way they'll
work right at all API levels.

We'll eventually want to have the search operators for certain custom
field types hooked too. So you can search for before/after on custom
field dates.

> My thoughts were to add some code such as
> ProcessCustomFieldDates() in Web.pm to mimic the behavior of the
> ProcessTicketDates() sub for the true Date types.
> Thoughts, suggestions, criticism appreciated.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Joshua Colson <jcolson at realm.ination.cc>


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