[Rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Your ticket was stolen in RT 3.4.5

Andy Moran andy at wildbrain.com
Mon Feb 13 13:10:32 EST 2006

I'm adding rt-devel to this since I didn't get any response on
rt-users.  Also, I found an error so I think it has to do with the
$self->CurrentUser bit.  Here is the error I'm getting in /var/log/messages:

Feb 13 10:02:00 constantinople RT: error:    unexpected end of header  
Feb 13 10:02:00 constantinople RT: Template parsing error: Can't call
method "CurrentUser" on an undefined value at template line 1.  Stack:  
[template:1]   [/usr/local/rt3/lib/RT/Template_Overlay.pm:419]  
Feb 13 10:02:00 constantinople RT: error:    unexpected end of header  

I double checked with RT Essentials and the Template looks right.  Is
there an error in the RT Essentials code?   What should it say instead of:
my $old_owner = RT::User->new( $self->CurrentUser );

I think that's the line it's dying on.   Any help would be appreciated! 


Andy Moran wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out why the "Your Ticket was Stolen" custom scrip
> isn't working for me.   I'm using the example from the RT Essentials
> book  using RT 3.4.5.
> The scrip uses Condition: User Defined, Action: Notify Other Recipients,
> Template: Custom Stolen Ticket
> Here is the custom condition:
> my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
> return 0 unless $trans->Field eq 'Owner';
> return 1 if $trans->OldValue != RT::Nobody()->id();
> return 0;
> Here is the template:
> To: { my $old_owner = RT::User->new( $self->CurrentUser );
>       $old_owner->Load( $Transaction->OldValue );
>       $old_owner->EmailAddress() }
> Subject:  Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } taken by { $Ticket->OwnerObj->Name() }
> A ticket you owned:
>    { $Ticket->Subject() }
> has been taken by {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name()}.
> { $RT::WebURL }Ticket/Display.html?id={ $Ticket->Id }
> Has the API changed since hte book was published?  Do I have a typo
> somewhere I cannot see?   There doesn't seem to be any complaints, just
> no email gets sent out.  Any help would be appreciated!
> --Andy
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