[Rt-devel] RE: SetOwner Speed

Alexey G Misyurenko mag at caravan.ru
Mon Jun 19 13:12:39 EDT 2006

 > Alexey G Misyurenko wrote:
>>> Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
>>>> On 6/15/06, Alexey G Misyurenko <mag at caravan.ru> wrote:
>>>>> Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
>>>>>> Ok, I think index on CachedGroupMembers(MemberId, GroupId, Disabled)
>>>>>> should help you with query 4, but to help you with other queries I
>>>>>> need to see EXPLAINs...
>>> Sorry for the pause with answer - second oracle installation take a 
>>> time...
>>>>>> Please, make explains before you'll add index and after.
>>>  ----------
>>>  SQL Statement from editor:
>> SQL Tunning toolkit for oracle just finish analise what can be done with 
>> original
>> SQL request generated by RT .
>> which is run 9,353s, and propose next SQL edition
>> SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(, 2) */
>>        *
> What version of Oracle?

> When did you last run: ?
If be onest I don't know because DBA is unaccesseble right  now.
So I start next one sql right now, and currently it's run

>      OwnName           => 'RT_USER' 
>     ,Granularity       => 'DEFAULT' 
>     ,Options           => 'GATHER' 
>     ,Gather_Temp       => FALSE 
>     ,Method_Opt        => 'FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS SIZE 1 ' 
>     ,Degree            => 4 
>     ,Cascade           => TRUE 
>     ,No_Invalidate     => FALSE); 
> END;
> I ask because our Oracle instance takes 80msec for this query. Explain
> plan looks the same, for the first query. adding parallel does nothing
> for timing albeit it does for the cost of the query.
> Version Oracle10g (Oracle XE).

I use SQL Navigator from Quest Software for develop SQL code
and tune it so explain ouput format can diff with original oracle output 

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