[Rt-devel] posting of rt-bugs

Dirk Pape pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 28 10:47:09 EDT 2006

Hello Todd,

--Am 28. Juni 2006 10:32:47 -0400 schrieb Todd Chapman <todd at chaka.net>:

> I think it's best to post to rt-devel and Bcc rt-bugs. That way
> everyone sees what you have found and can comment, and you
> will get a ticket. Just be sure to Bcc and _not_ Cc, or replies
> to your post will end up creating tickets.

Thanks, I will do so in future.


Dr. Dirk Pape (eAS - Projektleitung Campus Management)
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Grunewaldstr. 34a, 12165 Berlin
Tel. +49 (30) 838 75143, Fax. +49 (30) 838 54654

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