[Rt-devel] RT 3.6.0pre Editing custom searches

Shawn Plummer plummer at geneseo.edu
Wed Mar 15 09:33:26 EST 2006

I installed a fresh copy of 3.6.0pre0 yesterday and am using fastcgi  
now. switching to Fastcg cleared up all my session issues where I  
would be asked login when clicking on any link. My current question  
relates to the default searches on the at a glance page.

I logged in with my account that was in one group that has only the  
super-user privilege. I then edited the search on the at a glance  
page and added only requester as a displayed field and moved it up on  
line. Then I saved the search. upon returning to the at a glance page  
no tickets are displayed for me. However other accounts now see the  
requestor line in the display but the take link no longer shows. The  
orginal account that edited the display also sees nothing when  
clicking on the general queue (though it did before editing the view)  
and If i edit the search once i have clicked on the general queue,  
change nothing and click add and search it then displays the contents  
of the queue again...  Its all very strange.

Is there some way to reset the included searches and display's to  

One other odd bit of behavior when editing the newest unowned tickets  
via the edit link on the at a glance page. It seems to default order  
by to AdminCc.EmailAddress no matter what I select in that box.

Shawn Plummer
Systems Manager
CIT SUNY Geneseo
"The mind can make substance, and people planets of its own with  
beings brighter than have been, and give a breath to forms which can  
outlive all flesh." -Lord Byron

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