Fwd: [Rt-devel] "This message will be sent to..." confirmation page

Richard Fojta rfojta at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 07:53:20 EST 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Fojta <rfojta at gmail.com>
Date: Mar 29, 2006 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Rt-devel] "This message will be sent to..." confirmation page
To: Stephen Turner <sturner at mit.edu>

If you would like to be mason master go to www.masonhq.com

On 3/28/06, Stephen Turner < sturner at mit.edu> wrote:
> At Tuesday 3/28/2006 10:41 AM, Duncan Shannon wrote:
> >Very nice.
> >
> >I don't recall seeing anything on "how to use or add custom mason
> >components"
> >
> >Is the idea that you add save the file in rt3/path/to/local  and then
> >edit the template that is used for the Update ticket page and include a
> >couple lines that call the mason component and then restart and it will
> >show up on the page?
> Yes, we put this in local/html/Ticket/Elements. Whichever page you
> want to include this on would then have a call to the component
> (passing a ticket object as an argument).
> >Do you mid if I create a wiki page with the information/code?
> Be my guest!
> Note that this component does not tell you why a recipient appears,
> so there's not quite as much info as the standard RT 'this message
> will be sent to' section. We kicked around the idea of providing a
> link to a page explaining what scrips were used in determining the
> recipients, so that people could go there if they wanted to, but we
> haven't got round to that yet.
> Thanks,
> Steve
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