[Rt-devel] Migrating RT 3.4 from MySQL to Oracle

Joop van de Wege JoopvandeWege at mococo.nl
Wed Aug 8 13:12:09 EDT 2007

Jeff Albert wrote:
> Hello all,
> Owing to performance issues with RT on MySQL, we're looking at moving to 
> RT on Oracle; unfortunately, the documentation on this migration process 
> on the wiki is somewhat lacking 
> (http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/MySQLToOracle). Have folks here 
> performed this migration with success? How did you go about it?
There was recently someone else who has migrated to Oracle. The biggest 
problem is that Oracle isn't considered 'binary safe' by RT and all 
attachments are therefore saved as base64 CLOBs. So you'll need to 
encode the current binary mysql blobs to base64 clobs, other then that I 
don't think you'll going to have much problems. As always in these kind 
of situations its best to migrate a small test instance from mysql to 
The wiki article mentions Oracle Migration Workbench and if I remember 
correctly then that is either included in Oracle SQL Developer 1.2 or 
that program contains something like it. What it probably doesn't do is 
encode base64 but you could do that from a temporary table using a 
database package/procedure, I seem to recall seeing one.

I'll try to write up a wiki article about patches we use which allow 
searching for email content using OracleText.


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