[Rt-devel] Unpriveleged users questions

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Mon Aug 25 11:40:09 EDT 2008

Why do users seem to only have even ids?

Is there a more convenient way of listing or finding an unprivileged user,
other than incrementing id in
https://rt.cambenergy.org/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=36 ?
Last I read in the archives, the answer was unfortunately "no. by design"

Why does the user id space seem to be sparsely populated (and many of them
Granted, I've been doing a fair bit of testing, but I use the same requestor
repeatedly, and yet my uids
are already in the mid 100s on a non-production machine.

Cambridge Energy Alliance: Save money & the planet
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