[Rt-devel] Queue CFs in query builder?

Olly Stephens Olly.Stephens at arm.com
Wed Aug 27 13:27:20 EDT 2008

rt-devel-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com wrote:
> May be you just forgot to apply those fields? It's not enough to
> them.

Nope, they're definitely applied.  I see them when I modify a queue and
I use them in a custom version of SelfService/CreateTicketInQueue to
arrange the queues into logical groupings.

Looking at the code that builds the Query/Build.html page, it uses
RT::CustomFields LimitToQueue and LimitToGlobal methods to get the
relevant set of CFs; both of these limit their searches to lookup type
'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket', but the CF I want has a lookup type of
'RT::Queue' so it explains why it won't be found.

Likewise, if I use the advanced query builder to add a " CF.{MyQueueCF}
= 'X' " condition and look at the generated SQL, I can see that it will
also only work for ticket-based CFs, not queue-based ones.

I think I've convinced myself that it won't work with the current
release, but I don't know enough about the query building process to
know how easy a feature it would be to add.  I'd really like to see it
in the product.  If someone can confirm that my conclusions are correct,
I'll file an enhancement request.



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