[Rt-devel] Edit TransactionCustomFields in Update.html

Rémi mirebob at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 09:29:07 EST 2008

hi rt-devels

I've made a little patch for Ticket/Update.html to disable the display of
TransactionCustomFields when a user doesn't have the right to modify it (so
there si no need to diplay it!).

% if (my $TxnCFs = $TicketObj->TransactionCustomFields) {
%    while (my $CF = $TxnCFs->Next()) {
*%        next unless $CF->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyCustomField');*
<td class="label"><% $CF->Name %>:</td>
<td><& /Elements/EditCustomField, CustomField => $CF, NamePrefix =>
    "Object-RT::Transaction--CustomField-" &><em><% $CF->FriendlyType
%    } # end if while
% } # end of if

$ diff Update.html /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/html/Ticket/Update.html
< %        next unless $CF->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyCustomField');

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