[Rt-devel] System default refresh periods with per user configuration

Norton, Ian i.norton at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jan 9 12:30:54 EST 2008

Hi All,

Attached is a patch to provide global defaults for both the homepage refresh interval and the tickets listing refresh interval.

Copy share/html/autohandler to local/html/autohandler
Copy share/html/Prefs/MyRT.html to local/html/Prefs/MyRT.html
Copy lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm to local/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm

Apply the patch and add the following two options to your RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set($DefaultHomepageRefreshInterval, "300");
Set($DefaultTicketsRefreshInterval, "300");

Or whatever you want the default values set to.

Not sure how practical, but it would be nice to see something similar included in core at some point.

Regards, Ian.

Ian Norton
Mail & Systems Support
University of Lancaster
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