[Rt-devel] dumpfile-to-rt3.0 problem

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 31 13:37:20 EDT 2008

On Mar 31, 2008, at 11:41 AM, Matthew Edlefsen wrote:

> Hi there,
>   I'm trying to use the RT2.0-to-RT3.0 tool to migrate an rt2
> database off an old machine running postgres onto a new freebsd 6
> server running mysql and a brand new ports install of rt3.6.  Running
> the rt2.0-to-dump script works fine except that we don't have a pager
> email field which gives me tons of warnings but doesn't seem to break
> anything.

Which version of the tool are you using?  Hopefully the one from

> The problem comes in when running dumpfile-to-rt3.6.  The script will
> run for a couple hours and then die out with the following error:
> t-4781: wtatat remapped to 4781
> t-4608: wtatat remapped to 4608
> t-4538: wtaaAttempted to rollback a transaction with none in progress
> at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm
> line 747
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery('RT::Handle=HASH(0x14aecb8)',
> 'INSERT INTO Attachments (ContentType, Parent, id, Subject, Fi...',
> 'application/octet-stream', 9413, 9417, '', 'CapWiz State.pdf',
> 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> 	name="CapWiz State.p...', 2227, ...) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line
> 353

Its worth looking at mysql's error log to see why that insert failed.
It may be a really large attachment and you bumped up against
the max_allowed_packet limit.

> Cleary much of that has to do with syslog but the first parts don't
> seem to be. Anyways it says in the README that this is the appropriate
> place for such questions so hopefully one of you can help me.

I'd start by looking at max_allowed_packet and if nothing useful is in
the logs, making sure you have RT set up to log to a file and mysql  
set up
to log errors and queries and re-run the import.


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