[Rt-devel] 'make test' fails on HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 28 12:30:06 EST 2008

On Thu 20.Nov'08 at 16:54:39 +1100, Angus Rea wrote:
>    Hi Jason,
>    I just came across the same problem and stumbled on the answer...
>    I happened to be checking the log files for the proxy server (which runs
>    on another server)
>    and noticed that it contained entries for GET [1]http://localhost:13432
>    which is the URL used
>    by the Mason test scripts in t/*.t.
>    In other words, the test scripts are using the HTTP proxy defined in the
>    environment variable
>    http_proxy which it is not required when accessing a 'localhost' server.

I see code in those files to remove the http_proxy environment
variable. Does 0.10 just work for you?
>    So I used the commands to successfully test and install
>    HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason:
>        cd /root/.cpan/build/HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.09/
>        unset http_proxy
>        make test
>        make install
>    Rgds - Angus
> References
>    Visible links
>    1. http://localhost:13432/

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