[Rt-devel] bug on chart ? on RT3.8 postrgresql 8.3

Ruslan Zakirov ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 16:21:47 EDT 2009

Nope, that means "help write tests for this features, luckily there
are plenty of examples in 3.8, so we can catch such problems during
automated testing we run on Pg/MySQL/SQLite and occasionally on

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Chris Adams <chris at improbable.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:05 AM, Ruslan Zakirov
> <ruslan.zakirov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://svn.bestpractical.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi/bps/revision/?rev=18373
> I just noticed a very similar problem when someone did a search for
> User.id = '_CurrentUser_', which failed after turning into
> LOWER(User.id) in the actual query. Is there a systematic way to get
> the Postgres backend to check types or is the answer something more
> like "Use MySQL because it's more tested"?
> Chris
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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