[Rt-devel] RT 3.8.6rc1 Available for Testing

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Fri Oct 9 19:06:57 EDT 2009

We are happy to announce that RT 3.8.6rc1 is available for download
and testing.  This release contains numerous bug fixes and
performance enhancements, as well as a few new features.

Please read UPGRADING for notes on some database changes and how to
upgrade your old Custom Field Categories to the new Hierarchical
system if you want to try it out.

You can download the release from:


SHA1 sums of the downloads:

d3c48d0280d6a44fa3f28875090d7618b4c49895  rt-3.8.6rc1.tar.gz
77a4392a49b0ad5aed92b996eb0942883c584d16  rt-3.8.6rc1.tar.gz.sig

A more complete changelog will be forthcoming, if you want to
contribute to the changelog effort, you can help categorize changes

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