[Rt-devel] RT 4.0.0rc6 Released

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Feb 28 21:56:59 EST 2011

This is primarily a bugfix release as we continue to test RT 4.0 and
prepare for a final release.  Feedback from users testing upgrades and
clean installs of the system are appreciated.

A changelog is available below.

You can download the release from


SHA1 sums

71d58dad05e190b961109b7534762d4e991e827b  rt-4.0.0rc6.tar.gz
8d693814495f8eccc8fe289bf65f0cb82ffb1df3  rt-4.0.0rc6.tar.gz.sig

* Protect error messages from Shredder to assist in debugging
* Start tracking Created/LastUpdated on several new tables (again)
* Fix up web_deployment docs and add some bugfixes for new Plack

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