[Rt-devel] Failed to resolve a ticket in RT4 with Perl 5.14

Walter Vargas walter at covetel.com.ve
Thu Jun 9 06:53:40 EDT 2011


RT4 with Perl 5.14 Failed to resolve a ticket, error is:

Error during compilation of /opt/rt4/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ ...

And this form to comment on the ticket will not finish loading.

It is easy to correct, the same problem with the expression qw(1 2)  without
 the parentheses [1]

The necessary changes are available on GitHub [2]



Walter Vargas
GNU/Linux ID: 269566
Debian Of Course!
Cooperativa Venezolana de Tecnologías Libres R.S.
Coordinador General.
@Movil 04165023755
@sip: sip.covetel.com.ve Ext 276002
Táchira - Venezuela.
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