[rt-devel] maybe duplicate user preference

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Dec 6 06:59:12 EST 2012

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Christian Loos <cloos at netcologne.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe I found an duplicate user preference where one of them isn't working.
> Under Prefs/Other.html (Logged in as ... -> Settings -> Options) you can
> set "Number of search results". As the section is called "RT at a
> glance" I would expect to set here the Rows option of the "RT at a
> glance" portlets. But changing this option doesn't work with RT 4.0.7.
> This sets the preference "DefaultSummaryRows" defined in
> lib/RT/Config.pm. This is the sub value "DefaultSummaryRows" of the
> "Pref-RT::System-1" user attribute.
> Under Prefs/MyRT.html (Logged in as ... -> Settings -> RT at a glance)
> there is an "Rows per box" option. If I change this value the displayed
> Rows of the "RT at a glance" portlets change to this value.
> This sets the preference "SummaryRows" which isn't defined in
> lib/RT/Config.pm. This is the user attribute "Pref-SummaryRows".

You are right. DefaultSummaryRows from config was marked as overridable,
but code was never converted to use config based preference. Alex spotted
this recently and pushed a branch that just unmarks the option as overridable.
This is a simple fix for 4.0.

> Chris
> --------
> We're hiring! http://bestpractical.com/jobs

Best regards, Ruslan.

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