[rt-devel] Proposed patch: Friendlier 'mandatory' custom fields

David Good dgood at willingminds.com
Mon Dec 24 17:34:42 EST 2012

We have a customer that some time ago wanted to have mandatory custom
fields be a little friendlier.  I've been maintaining this customization
over several RT versions and I think it may be of enough general use
that I though I'd submit it here.  Hopefully it's found to be useful
enough that I won't have to port it to a new RT release again :-)

What is does:

 - When a mandatory custom field has no value when a ticket edit is
   submitted, rather than the usual 'Input does not match: [Mandatory]'
   message, it will instead give the error message 'You must select a

 - When editing a ticket, mandatory custom fields will have
   '[Mandatory]' appear under the field hint (i.e. 'Select one value').
   The '[Mandatory]' text uses the 'cfinvalidfield' CSS class, so by
   default it will be red and italic.

I've made only very limited attempts to use localization, mainly due to
my own unfamiliarity with it.  I'd be happy to take suggestions on how
to improve it.

The patch was created from RT 4.0.8:

--- lib/RT/CustomField.pm	2012-12-19 13:13:09.025953917 -0800
+++ local/lib/RT/CustomField.pm	2012-12-24 12:23:32.814404980 -0800
@@ -1464,7 +1464,15 @@
     unless ( $self->MatchPattern($args{'Content'}) ) {
-        return ( 0, $self->loc('Input must match [_1]', $self->FriendlyPattern) );
+        my $msg = $self->Name . ": ";
+        $RT::Logger->debug("FriendlyPattern is: '" . $self->FriendlyPattern . "'");
+        if ($self->FriendlyPattern eq '[Mandatory]'){
+            $msg .= $self->loc("You must select a value");
+        }
+        else {
+            $msg .= $self->loc('Input must match [_1]', $self->FriendlyPattern);
+        }
+        return ( 0, $msg );
@@ -1625,7 +1633,15 @@
     # for single-value fields, we need to validate that empty string is a valid value for it
     if ( $self->SingleValue and not $self->MatchPattern( '' ) ) {
-        return ( 0, $self->loc('Input must match [_1]', $self->FriendlyPattern) );
+        my $msg = $self->Name . ": ";
+        $RT::Logger->debug("FriendlyPattern is: '" . $self->FriendlyPattern . "'");
+        if ($self->FriendlyPattern eq '[Mandatory]'){
+            $msg .= $self->loc("You must select a value");
+        }
+        else {
+            $msg .= $self->loc('Input must match [_1]', $self->FriendlyPattern);
+        }
+        return ( 0, $msg );
     # delete it
--- lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm	2012-12-19 13:13:08.697946357 -0800
+++ local/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm	2012-12-21 15:37:41.074189388 -0800
@@ -2430,6 +2430,8 @@
+    my @results = ();
     # Canonicalize Queue and Owner to their IDs if they aren't numeric
     for my $field (qw(Queue Owner)) {
         if ( $ARGSRef->{$field} and ( $ARGSRef->{$field} !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ) {
@@ -2446,7 +2448,56 @@
     # RT core complains if you try
     delete $ARGSRef->{'Status'} unless $ARGSRef->{'Status'};
-    my @results = UpdateRecordObject(
+    #
+    # Check custom fields to make sure any mandatory values are filled
+    #
+    #
+    # This bit was swiped from ProcessObjectCustomFieldUpdates, below...
+    #
+    my %custom_fields;
+    ARG:
+    foreach my $arg ( keys %$ARGSRef ) {
+        # format: Object-<object class>-<object id>-CustomField-<CF id>-<commands>
+        next unless $arg =~ /^Object-([\w:]+)-(\d*)-CustomField-(\d+)-(.*)$/;
+        # For each of those objects, find out what custom fields we want to work with.
+        $custom_fields{ $1 }{ $2 || 0 }{ $3 }{ $4 } = $ARGSRef->{ $arg };
+    }   
+    foreach my $class ( keys %custom_fields ) {
+        foreach my $id ( keys %{$custom_fields{$class}} ) {
+            my $Object = $args{'Object'};
+            $Object = $class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} )
+                unless $Object && ref $Object eq $class;
+            $Object->Load( $id ) unless ($Object->id || 0) == $id;
+            unless ( $Object->id ) {
+                $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't load object $class #$id");
+                next;
+            }
+            foreach my $cf ( keys %{ $custom_fields{ $class }{ $id } } ) {
+                my $CustomFieldObj = RT::CustomField->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+                $CustomFieldObj->LoadById( $cf );
+                unless ( $CustomFieldObj->id ) {
+                    $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't load custom field #$cf");
+                    next;
+                }
+                my $value = "";
+                $value = $custom_fields{$class}{$id}{$cf}{Values}
+                    if exists $custom_fields{$class}{$id}{$cf}{Values};
+		if (not $value and $CustomFieldObj->Pattern eq '(?#Mandatory).'){
+		    my $msg = sprintf "%s: You must select a value",
+			$CustomFieldObj->Name;
+		    push(@results, $msg);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (@results){ 
+        return(@results);
+    }       
+    @results = UpdateRecordObject(
         AttributesRef => \@attribs,
         Object        => $TicketObj,
         ARGSRef       => $ARGSRef,
@@ -2616,6 +2667,7 @@
     my @results;
+    ARG:
     foreach my $arg ( keys %{ $args{'ARGS'} } ) {
         # skip category argument
@@ -2627,7 +2679,10 @@
             # We don't care about the magic, if there's really a values element;
             next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Value'}  && length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Value'};
-            next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} && length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'};
+            #next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'} && length $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'};
+            # Sometimes we do get null values, though (like when selecting 
+            # '(no value)')
+            next if defined $args{'ARGS'}->{'Values'};
             # "Empty" values does not mean anything for Image and Binary fields
             next if $cf_type =~ /^(?:Image|Binary)$/;
@@ -2684,6 +2739,15 @@
         } elsif ( $arg eq 'Values' && !$cf->Repeated ) {
             my $cf_values = $args{'Object'}->CustomFieldValues( $cf->id );
+            if (not @values){
+                if ($cf->Pattern eq '(?#Mandatory).'){
+                    # This error should already have been generated by 
+                    # ProcessTicketBasics...
+                    #my $msg = sprintf "%s: You must select a value", $cf->Name;
+                    #push(@results, $msg);
+                    next ARG;
+                }
+            }
             my %values_hash;
             foreach my $value (@values) {
                 if ( my $entry = $cf_values->HasEntry($value) ) {
--- share/html/Elements/ValidateCustomFields	2012-12-19 13:13:12.632978972 -0800
+++ local/html/Elements/ValidateCustomFields	2012-12-24 13:44:35.158188898 -0800
@@ -109,7 +109,14 @@
         next if $CF->MatchPattern($value);
-        my $msg = loc("Input must match [_1]", $CF->FriendlyPattern);
+	my $msg = '';
+	if ($CF->FriendlyPattern eq '[Mandatory]'){
+	    $msg = "You must select a value";
+	}
+	else {
+	    $msg = loc("Input must match [_1]", $CF->FriendlyPattern);
+	}
         $m->notes( ('InvalidField-' . $CF->Id) => $msg );
         push @res, $msg;
         $valid = 0;
--- share/html/Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields	2012-12-24 12:27:43.941266648 -0800
+++ local/html/Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields	2012-12-24 13:15:02.418187709 -0800
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@
     <<% $CELL %> class="cflabel">
       <span class="name"><% loc($CustomField->Name) %></span><br />
       <span class="type"><% $CustomField->FriendlyType %></span>
+%  if ($CustomField->FriendlyPattern eq '[Mandatory]'){
+        <br />
+        <span class="cfinvalidfield"><% loc('[Mandatory]') %></span>
+%  }
     </<% $CELL %>>
     <<% $CELL %> class="entry">
 % my $default = $m->notes('Field-' . $CustomField->Id);
@@ -67,7 +71,9 @@
           NamePrefix => $NamePrefix,
           Default => $default,
-%  if (my $msg = $m->notes('InvalidField-' . $CustomField->Id)) {
+%  my $msg = $m->notes('InvalidField-' . $CustomField->Id);
+%  # ignore "Mandatory" notes since they're included above...
+%  if ($msg and $msg !~ /\[Mandatory\]$/ and $msg !~ /You must select a value/){
         <br />
         <span class="cfinvalidfield"><% $msg %></span>
 %  }

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