[rt-devel] Reminders Crontab

Ajunpreet Singh ajunpreet at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 10:20:43 EDT 2012

I understand where the first line for contab goes, but where do you place
the rest.
so where do you put the line --search RT::Search::FromSQL \ and everything

   0 6 * * * root /opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool \
                  --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
                  --search-arg 'Type = "reminder" and (Status = "open"
or Status = "new")' \
                  --condition RT::Condition::BeforeDue \
                  --condition-arg 2d \
                  --action RT::Action::SendEmail \
                  --action-arg Owner \
                  --transaction first \
                  --template 'Reminder due soon'
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