[rt-devel] Callbacks - Hiding custom fields

Martin Wheldon martin.wheldon at greenhills-it.co.uk
Fri May 3 11:19:11 EDT 2013

Hi Thomas,

Sorry my bad, I was looking in the 
http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/docs/4.0/ I hadn't realised that it was 
of DBIx::SearchBuilder.

I've got it working nicely now thanks very much

Best Regards


On 2013-05-02 21:40, Thomas Sibley wrote:
> On 05/02/2013 02:47 AM, Martin Wheldon wrote:
>> And get the information about the customfield find, I can even set 
>> the a customfield to disabled
>> however I'm unsure on how to mask a CF from the page?
>> Googling throws up the following extension:
>> https://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-customfield-hideemptyvalues/blob/master/html/Callbacks/CustomField-HideEmptyValues/Elements/ShowCustomFields/MassageCustomFields
>> But looking at the documentation Limit no longer exists.
>> Is it as simple as removing the customfield from the $CustomFields 
>> object?
> What documentation says that Limit doesn't exist?  The Limit method 
> is a
> fundamental part of DBIx::SearchBuilder and RT.
> $CustomFields->Limit(
>     FIELD    => 'Name',
>     OPERATOR => '!=',
>     VALUE    => 'Foo',
> );
> There's no API to "remove" an object from a DBIx::SearchBuilder
> collection; you should instead limit your search so it isn't found.
> !DSPAM:9,5182cfee33235294820404!

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