[rt-devel] Populating Custom Fields via Template

Jannae Jacks jannae at nyu.edu
Fri Mar 11 16:43:56 EST 2016

Hi all,

I am curious if it is possible to add custom field values when creating
tickets via templates. I know that the ticket object is available, but it
seems to be in a very limited capacity.

This doesn't seem to work:

{ $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => 'MyCField', Value => 'MyCValue',
RecordTransaction => 1 ); }

And neither does this:

{ $self ->Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field => 'MyCField', Value =>
'MyCValue', RecordTransaction => 1 ); }

Any ideas?


Jannae Jacks
Senior Network Security Analyst, Technology Security Services
New York University, Information Technology
726 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10003
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