[rt-devel] Main navigation invisible when custom theme created

Martin Wheldon martin.wheldon at greenhills-it.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 09:45:53 EST 2017

On 2017-02-06 14:20, Jim Brandt wrote:
> On 2/4/17 8:40 AM, Martin Wheldon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> OK I've finally worked it out, to get the menus to work you need to do
>> the following:
>>     $ mkdir -p local/html/NoAuth/css/localstyle
>>     $ cp -R share/html/NoAuth/css/rudder/*
>> local/html/NoAuth/css/localstyle/
>> The AfterMenus component contains the jQuery that adds the relevant
>> classes.
>> I'd be happy to update the docs and provide a pull request if anyone
>> thinks that would be of value?
> Hi Martin,
> The bit above is noted in the last section of those docs, but if you
> run across other things that would help the docs, please do send them
> along. We'd love to see more themes available for RT, either on CPAN
> or elsewhere.
> Jim

Hi Jim,

Are you referring to the the shell commands just below paragraph 2 here?


     $ mkdir -p local/static/css/localstyle
     $ cp -R share/static/css/rudder/* local/static/css/localstyle/

If so then then this is also required to get the menus to display:

>>     $ mkdir -p local/html/NoAuth/css/localstyle
>>     $ cp -R share/html/NoAuth/css/rudder/* 
>> local/html/NoAuth/css/localstyle/

If not then I'm not not sure where you mean.

Best Regards


>> Sorry about the noise
>> Martin
>> On 2017-02-04 12:28, Martin Wheldon wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been looking into designing a new RT theme and followed the
>>> documentation below:
>>> https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/4.4.1/customizing/styling_rt.html#Designing-Your-Own-Theme
>>> However when I restart RT and login none of the top navigation menus
>>> appear, this is down to the correct css classes not being applied to
>>> the unordered list element id=app-nav
>>> it should look as follows:
>>>    <ul id="app-nav" class="toplevel sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-shadow">
>>> Where the new theme looks like this:
>>>    <ul id="app-nav" class="toplevel">
>>> If I fix this using firebug the menus work fine.
>>> I'm guessing that the class list is being manipulated using java
>>> script, but I am currently unable to work out where this takes place.
>>> If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much
>>> appreciated.
>>> Best Regards

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