<div>I am having an issue with a new installation of RT. Everything else is up and running and configured when I noticed one oddity before releasing it to our internal support staff. </div>
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<div>If I attach a file to an email submission that has no spaces in the file name then it will add the attachment to the ticket. When I go into RT and click on the attachment name the attachment is loaded into the browser without issue.
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<div>If I attach a file to an email submission that includes spaces in the file name it will still add the attachement to the ticket but if I click on the link added to the ticket the browser displays a red "X" only and the browser URL has the name of the file at the end with the filename escaped with the %20 replacing the space in the file name.
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<div>Example: </div>
<div>Attaching "Error Messsage.jpg" results in "<a href="http://servername/rt/Ticket/Attachment/291/95/Error%20Message.jpg">http://servername/rt/Ticket/Attachment/291/95/Error%20Message.jpg</a>"</div>
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<div>I think I need to parse the attachment file name before it is created and replace the spaces with "_" in order to work around this so I added some code to <a href="http://Attachment.pm">Attachment.pm</a> but it didn't seem to do anything.
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<div>Has anyone run accross this and/or know where I might need to work around this?</div>
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