Hi, I recently made the following modification in RT (3.82):<br>Where:<br>On the selfservice interface for unprivileged users you can enable the modify self right. <br>When you do this you only give the ability to modify the users password.<br>
Why:<br>For us this was not enough.<br>What:<br>Copied the Prefs.html from /html/User/ to /html/SelfService<br>updated the file like this:<br><br>%# Modded from orig<br>%#<& /Elements/Header, Title=>loc("Preferences") &><br>
%#<& /User/Elements/Tabs,<br>%# current_tab => 'SelfService/Prefs.html',<br>%# Title=>loc("Preferences") &><br>%#<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &><br>
%# to:<br><& /SelfService/Elements/Header, Title => loc('Preferences') &><br><br><& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &><br><br><br>%# Modded from orig<br>
%#<form action="<%RT->Config->Get('<div id=":6e" class="ii gt">WebPath')%>/User/Prefs.html" method="post"><br>
%# to:<br><form action="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/SelfService/Prefs.html" method="post"><br><input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="id" value="<%$UserObj->Id%>" /><br>
<br><table width="100%" border="0"><br><tr><br>----rest unchanged----<br><br>No issues yet, works like a charm.<br>But i do have my concerns, i'm new to this system and i would like your opinion about this.<br>
<br>Thanks =)<br>Cheers, <br>Daniel<br><br></div>