.hmmessage P
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Dear Sir,<br><br> I am new to open source code world.<br> 1- In Ticket/display.html<br> $m->callback (TicketObj =>$TicketObj, ARGSRef => \ARGS, CallbackName =>'Initial');<br> my question , CallbackName -> 'Initial' , you call Initail function , or what is it mean. I couldn't find Initail function. <br><br> 2- I am training to add customer text box in display ticket pag ,and join it with ledgersmb customer data, anyone has any information around this point.<br><br> Please, advise me for my 2 questions.<br>Thanks a lot for your patience.<br>Best wishes,<br>Shaekir,<br><br /><hr />Stay in the loop and chat with friends, right from your inbox! <a href='http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9671349' target='_new'>Learn how!</a></body>