[rt-users] RT2: Summary formatting options at command line

Karel P Kerezman rael at zero.kgon.com
Mon Jun 18 14:05:23 EDT 2001

After just a minute or two futzing with rt's commandline options, I
discovered the replacement command for the good old "./rtq -open -owner
Username' trick. (In case you're lazier than even I, it's "./rt
--summary --limit-status=open --limit-owner=Username") Of course this is
being used as the first stage in having reminders mailed out to RT2
members each Sunday so they know what their tasks are to be for the
coming week.

So what's the question? Well... the default formatting leaves a lot to
be desired. A lot of columnar space, that is. Most of my "subject" lines
have a lot more than 20 characters, and having them truncated makes it
that much more confusing. "./rt --help" indicates that the summary
display can take formatting options, but I can't suss those out.

To make a long story short, what's the best summary option for RT2's
command line mode to get a more useful output so as to mail to my RT2

  Karel P Kerezman - IS Admin, Entercom Portland LLC -
  When she puts on her lipstick, it keeps backing down the tube. --
Kevin Wilson
  From the Canonical Fulldeckisms List: http://www.herbison.com/canon

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