[rt-users] emails not being sent...

Ayan R. Kayal ayan.kayal at yale.edu
Fri Sep 7 17:12:33 EDT 2001

So I have scrips globally set up as such:

OnCorrespond NotifyRequestors with template Correspondence
OnQueueChange NotifyAdminCcs with template Transaction
OnResolve NotifyRequestors with template Resolved
OnCreate NotifyAdminCcs with template Transaction
OnCreate AutoreplyToRequestors with template Autoreply

And yet, it appears that all the Requestor emails are being sent (according
to my tests and the sendmail logs), but very few of the AdminCC ones are
going out (many people haven't gotten any emails at all, according to
reports, and the log shows minimal emails being sent out to AdminCCs). Any

O-                         ~ARK

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