[rt-users] What "Config" button? (new install)

seph seph at commerceflow.com
Fri Feb 8 17:06:05 EST 2002

it really sounds like the perl DBI module didn't get correctly
installed. what does "make testdeps" in the source tree say?
alternitively, does the command "perl -e 'use DBI 1.18;'" produce an
error? (no output is correct from the perl command)


Jeff Blaine <jblaine at linus.mitre.org> writes:

> If I put 2 debug lines in Handle.pm as such:
>     my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery($query, @bind_values); # NOT MY LINE
>     print "STH: $sth\n"; # MINE
>     print "QUERY: $query\n\n"; # MINE
> You can see that the 2nd $sth is broken/dead/empty
> Bleah... no idea how to debug this.
> =============================================================================
> STH: DBI::st=HASH(0x4cb8a0)
> QUERY: SELECT COUNT(ACL.id) FROM ACL, Groups WHERE  ((RightScope = 'System')) AND ((RightName = 'AdminUsers')) AND (((Groups.Name = 'Everyone') AND
>                                        (PrincipalType = 'Group') AND
>                                        (Groups.Id = PrincipalId)))
> STH:
> QUERY: SELECT COUNT(ACL.id) FROM ACL, GroupMembers, Groups WHERE  (((((RightScope = 'System')) AND ((RightName = 'AdminUsers'))) OR ((RightName = 'SuperUser') AND (RightScope = 'System') AND (RightAppliesTo = 0)))  AND (((ACL.PrincipalType = 'Group') AND (ACL.PrincipalId = Groups.Id) AND (GroupMembers.GroupId = Groups.Id)  AND (GroupMembers.UserId = ))))
> Can't call method "fetchrow" on an undefined value at /afs/rcf/apps/RT/sun4x_57/support/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 357.
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