[rt-users] Problem with double headers in email sent from RT

Ken Gribble gribble at cs.ucdavis.edu
Wed Jul 17 19:02:11 EDT 2002

Hey everyone! Kudos to all the cool work Jesse, et. all! RT Rawks!

I just upgraded to 2.0. Whew! A few minor problems later, I'm stuck on 

It seems that the email that my RT sends out has double headers, (see 
below). I searched through the FAQ and the Archives, but I didn't find any 
mention of this problem. Has anyone run across this problem? Any ideas 
where to start to find the problem?

Thanks for any help!


Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:07:22 -0700
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: cs.ucdavis.edu
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: cs.ucdavis.edu
Message-Id: <rt-5129-22403.7.91050157126094 at cs.ucdavis.edu>
Message-Id: <rt-5129-22403.7.91050157126094 at cs.ucdavis.edu>
Subject: [cs.ucdavis.edu #5129] test
Subject: [cs.ucdavis.edu #5129] test
In-Reply-To: <rt-5129 at cs.ucdavis.edu>
In-Reply-To: <rt-5129 at cs.ucdavis.edu>
Managed-BY: Request Tracker 2.0.13 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt/)
Managed-BY: Request Tracker 2.0.13 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt/)
From: "test via RT" <support at cs.ucdavis.edu>
From: "test via RT" <support at cs.ucdavis.edu>
RT-Ticket: cs.ucdavis.edu #5129
RT-Ticket: cs.ucdavis.edu #5129
Reply-To: support at cs.ucdavis.edu
Reply-To: support at cs.ucdavis.edu
X-Mailer: Perl5 Mail::Internet v1.45
X-Mailer: Perl5 Mail::Internet v1.45
Precedence: bulk
Precedence: bulk
RT-Originator: test at cs.ucdavis.edu
RT-Originator: test at cs.ucdavis.edu
Sender: Apache <apache at cs.ucdavis.edu>
Sender: Apache <apache at cs.ucdavis.edu>

-Ken Gribble
Systems Support Group
Computer Science department
University of California, Davis

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