[rt-users] Interfacing with RT via PHP

Simon Cozens rt at netthink.co.uk
Mon Jun 17 16:05:45 EDT 2002

Chris Knipe:
> I'm sure allot of people can use something like this...

Good grief - did your search of the archives turn up *that* many people
crying out in need for a PHP interface to a Perl system?

fga is frequently given answers... the best are "Date::Calc", "use a hash",
and "yes, it's in CPAN" or Data::Dumper or mySQL or "check your permissions"
or NO Fmh THAT'S WRONG or "You can't. crypt is one-way" or "yes, i'm single"
or "I think that's a faq." or substr! or "use split" or "man perlre" - #perl

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