Fwd: [rt-users] Execute Arbitrary Perl Script on resolve

Michael Grubb mgrubb at fifthvision.net
Thu May 30 15:23:13 EDT 2002

Well Put.

Anyway if you *REALLY* want to just execute external perl code you could do 
something like this:

This is untested code.
I just slapped it together. 
I know that the principals behind it work because I've done this before but as 
for making sure that RT does it properly is anybody's guess =]
Sure you could use the system function to execute a new perl interpreter but I 
liked this solution a little better.
Also I don't know how well this will scale so if you have lots of tickets in a 
short amount of time that this will act on I don't know how this will do.
Any way. As it is... Merry Christmas.


package RT::Action::ExecExternal;
require RT::Action::Generic;

#Do what we need to do and send it out.

#What does this type of Action does
our $queue = undef;
our $prog_txt = undef;

# {{{ sub Describe
sub Describe  {
  my $self = shift;
  return (ref $self . " will execute arbritrary perl code\n");
# }}}

# {{{ sub Prepare
sub Prepare  {
    my $self = shift;
    open(EXTPRG, "<" . $self->Argument()) or return 0;
    while(<EXTPRG>) { $prog_txt .= $_ }
    close(EXTPRG) or return 0;
    return 1;
# }}}

sub Commit {
    my $self = shift;
    eval $prog_txt;
    $RT::Logger->debug($@ ? $@ : "Executed External App:\n$prog_txt\n");
    return !$@;

# Applicability checked in Commit.

# {{{ sub IsApplicable
sub IsApplicable  {
  my $self = shift;
  return 1;
# }}}


On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:17, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 09:43:54AM -0700, Will Doherty wrote:
> > Anyway, there seem to be a lot of actions pre-defined... we are trying
> > to figure out which one would be best to simply execute an external
> > Perl script.
> You seem to be missing the point:
> A ScripAction *IS* an arbitrary perl script.
> Make a new one.
> -Robin

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