[rt-users] Howto change default owner of new tickets...

Patrick Harlin pathar at dc.luth.se
Tue Nov 12 05:04:44 EST 2002


I have managed to change the name for the default user "nobody" into "_". This 
makes it more easy to see which cases that not are taken yet. I made this by a 
small hack for rt 2.0.14 (see below):


->         $RT::Nobody->LoadByName('_');

<-    #    $RT::Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody'); 

 @users = (
->            Name     => '_',
<-      #     Name     => 'Nobody',
            RealName => 'Nobody in particular',

/install/rt2_14/lib/RT.pm (2 places).

 #RT's "nobody user" is a genuine database user. its ID lives here.
    $Nobody = new RT::CurrentUser();
->     $Nobody->LoadByName('_');
<-  #  $Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody');


ok (require RT::TestHarness);

->    ok ($RT::Nobody->Name() eq '_', "Nobody is nobody");
<-  # ok ($RT::Nobody->Name() eq 'Nobody', "Nobody is nobody");

And I issued this command in mysql:

UPDATE users set name = '_' where name = 'Nobody';

Now I have moved my installtion to another (faster machine) by installing rt 
2.0.15 on it, then I used mysqldump to move the database.

Everything seems to be working perfect.....


Patrick Harlin, SysAdm
Lulea University of Technology

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