[rt-users] MySql 'not allowed to connect to host...'

darren chamberlain darren at boston.com
Mon Nov 18 13:38:37 EST 2002

* Fred.Purdue <Fred.Purdue at Pobox.com> [2002-11-18 13:34]:
> Unfortunately I seem to have encountered another problem; 
> shell> mysql -h helpdesk.corp.newoppinc.org -u root
> ERROR 1130: Host 'helpdesk.corp.newoppinc.org' is not allowed to
> connect to this MySQL server

No password?

> But wait, you say!  That's easy to fix, you need to allow the other
> host to connect to the database!  -- Ah, but alas, I have done that.
> Allowed hosts is set to % and allowed db's is also set to %.

If you modified the grant tables with "UPDATE users SET ..." then you
also need to FLUSH PRIVILEGES.


We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and
to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful
and his children smart.
    -- H.L.Mencken

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