[rt-users] rt 2-0-15 and oracle

Stoyan Genov genov at sun-fish.com
Wed Oct 16 06:42:00 EDT 2002

Hi all,

This is my first posting here, so excuse me and correct me
if I violate the netiquette or some unwritten rules of the community :-)

I have blatantly patched DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/Oracle.pm in a rush
to make rt run with oracle; the change is trivial, and near the beginning,
DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle/Oracle.pm looks like this:

  my %args = @_;

  %args = ( Driver => $args{'Driver'}, Database => $args{'Database'}, User => $args{'User'}, Password => $args{'Password'}, SID => $args{'Database'}, Host => $args{'Host'});

So, $conn = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host=my.oracle.host;SID=MYSID','user','password')
works like a charm;

I have not tested the installation procedure, but created an oracle database
by hand and ported data from a live running 2-0-9 there;

RT generally runs with oracle, however when retrieving a ticket,
a query like this:
SELECT DISTINCT main.* FROM Attachments main WHERE ((main.Parent = '0')) AND ((main.TransactionId = '17125'));
fails because there are CLOB-type fields, on which you can't make distinct
selects (this is what our oracle guru says, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Did someone solve this problem? Any ideas will be greatly appretiated.

Stoyan Genov

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